Best Dream Ever

During the night of November 29, 2010 I  had one of the best dreams ever. Kinda wierd I had this dream during this night. You see, 11/30 would be eight years since I had to put Schatzie, my 17 year old miniature schnauzer to sleep. A very hard time, because at that time, that was the longest relationship I ever had with anyone besides my mom and my son!

But back to the dream. I don’t recall much of the details BUT what I do remember was so real, so comforting. Our preciuos Podley, our five-year old three-legged golden who passed last December, came back to me. He was only allowed to stay for the ‘day’. The only thing I remember is hugging him, petting him and snuggling with him. And then the day AND the dream were over. Instead of waking up and missing him, I woke up feeling like I had just been holding him and was really happy. I never want to forget this dream or the feeling!