Category: tails of Comfort

Miracle Max

It never ceases to amaze me how these therapy dogs affect peoples’ therapy sessions. Today Max and I went to the Rehab Hospital to work with the physical therapists and their patients. Max and I worked with a gentleman who need to work on balance while seated and using his left arm/hand. We’ll call him […]

In Memory of Podley

Well, it’s official. Podley has been gone for one year today. Probably about now I was in his crate at the Pet Emergency in York, holding his non-repsonsive little body next to me as I tried to take in every detail about him. It’s so hard to hear his breath and then he stopped. How […]

3rd Saturday in Dec

Oh, it’s so hard to believe it’s been a whole year since little Pod passed away so suddenly at only 5.5 years old. The third Saturday in December of ’09 (December 19).  As I go about our day getting ready for Christams this year, I can’t help be recall throughout the day, where we were […]

Sammy made an impression

While working away in the office today, a lady stopped by to request a visit for two special needs adult ladies that she supervises in their group home. Her name was Gayle. I knew she looked familiar from somewhere but could not place her. She knew me from way back a few years ago when […]


About two weeks ago, I was lucky enough to connect with an old friend, Indy. Indy is a 12 year old yellow lab who has been John’s assistance dog for the past ten years. Indy and I go way back to when he was a puppy in training. I helped with his training by being […]

Best Dream Ever

During the night of November 29, 2010 I  had one of the best dreams ever. Kinda wierd I had this dream during this night. You see, 11/30 would be eight years since I had to put Schatzie, my 17 year old miniature schnauzer to sleep. A very hard time, because at that time, that was […]

Zeke’s Big Debut – 11/22/10

 Today was a big day for the one year old Zeke, the youngest golden in our clan. His first day with me on a speaking engagement AND his first day doing real AAT! The lunch speaking engagement had me more nervous than usual. You see, it was at the Hamilton Club in Lancaster – […]

Sammy 11/15 visit at Lancaster Rehab hospital

Sammy’s visit at the Lancaster Rehab Hospital went as usual with nothing real eventful, until…..After our hour-long visit working with the physical therapists and patients, we did our last round of saying our goodbyes. Nurses and therapists were all lined up at the long desk documenting their days accomplishments. Patients quietly waited for their escort back to their rooms. Sammy strutted his […]

In Memory of Sammy’s Friend John

Several years ago a co-worker’s husband, John, was eventually diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer after months of testing. Kathy told me at work one day that John’s doctor had mentioned the fact that if John would like a dog, it could help him through this terrible journey they were about to face.  Mesothelioma and Alternative Therapies Kathy originally asked me […]